Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sun Is Up

Extreme heat. Sun is high up in the sky. But as usual, I'm the computer lab enjoying the aircon. Soo kewling.Makes me so lazy getting my butt up the seat. Ha Ha. I feel that if I don't get a new job soon, I'm gonna die. Yeaahh this jobn is so plain dull & boring...... I need something more enegertic, more movements & more challenge. Guess I don't make a good admin worker. I kindda like to use more of my hands & legs to werk. And of coz I need to communicate more. Down here I werk alone. When they need me then they call me. Call as in on my hp .. like hellooo... I'm paying my own bills U know. Lalalaalalala........

Oh yah Rudy & I found a new hangout place- Library. Yeah. That's it. We've been like going to library to study, to borrow books & even like sit there & read. So Sunday after school, we went to Tampines Library to return books. Boring as it may seems but Tampines is the only nearest place around us. We wanted to go to the new library but was raining so we settled for the nearest one. Supposed to study there but it was crowded and we can't get a table. Then we had a quick munchie at Long John Silver's before we made a move home. I got home in time to go over to my Uncle's house for my cousin's(guy) engagement. No lah. Actually when I got there everything was over already. I went to pick Mum n granny up. Grand engagement. They like exchanged 30 trays of barang-barang from the girl's side. So I was like kepo-kepo only with the trays filled with chocolates,chocolates & more chocolates. Hmm.. reminded me of Willy Wonker. Hahahaha. Got home just in time to catch the ending of Men In Black 2 shown on Channel 5. Then Rudy called & we chatted for awhile. After that was DreamlanD.

I was SMS-ing Winnie yesterday, disturbing her about the new systems that the new company is installing @ my old werl place. Can say that she's already bored of werking there. Haiyahhh my time was over long ago. Honestly, if u're there, it's boring also coz it's the same thing everyday & every night. Imagine being locked up in the control room with 10-15 computers screens around you to monitor alarms & etc. Each time an alarm trigger, the computer will keep on beeping non-stop until the alarm is reset back to normal.Even at nights it's the same. And if anyone in the team of 3 is not alert enough,the whole team will get into trouble.Now that they are adding more new systems it mite even be worse *Sigh* It's time people in there get your butts out of FMC. Go get a life. Life is totally much brighter on the outside of FMC. Breath fresh air. (Naz I know you will read this... So spread the werds) Hahahahaa.

Today marks a special day for me. Shall not reveal how or why it is special. *Grins*

Anyway got to go now to prepare for my E-technology practical test later @ 1900hrs.
Till then.....................................


Blogger Naz said...

haha... Yah, me and Wini both are busy looking for another job...sometimes, it's just so frustrating...when you already sent out so many resumes...but none of them called you back...hmmm...and FMC is getting more and more boring to work in...I wonder how the seniors can stay there for so long...

Thu Sep 15, 05:51:00 PM  

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