The Sun is up. Finally. It's soo good to see the happy shining Sun again after past few days of heavy rain. My days was good only that I skipped werk on Monday. Nope not becoz of eve of Raya Haji but I was still sick due to the gastric. I was at home, dozing off most of the time coz of the different medicines I took. Raya Haji itself was good. I spent the day watching tv & more sleeping at my grandma's. She cooked nasi briyani chix with the side dished to go along. She baked pudding the day before. My uncle came with more kuih-kuih. I wanted to go to the mosque to see the kambings but the rain stopped me. Mum was saying "
Ujan lah.
Korang nak pegi pun bukan boleh nampak aper2." That nite, I dragged Mum & Dad to Metro to find shoes for myself. I've got big feet u see so I can't just wear any other shoes. How I evny gerls who have small feet. Yeah I'm wearing a size 10. Not all shops have size 10. Or the biggest they have is size 8. Kalau ader size 9 pun I can't fit. So anyway I managed to get a
Hush Puppies which is lucky coz they have it in 10. *Pheww* Mum bought me some tops from
Bossini. How nice of her rite. Maklum lah anak dier ni ader banyak t-shirts/polos ajer. Maner ader pakai baju lawa-lawa nyer. So that nite I went home a happy gerl.
Werk was as per normal from Wednesday - Friday. Only sad thing was that on Thursday, we called Pizza Hut delivery as the rain made it impossible for us to go eat out during lunch. We were dissappointed as the staff told us that due to the rain, they couldn't take any orders & at that present moment their system was hang. I mean
WTH. Then they also said that if they could deliver also, it would be at 4pm. Dropped the idea, we went to the normal spot where we had lunch almost everyday. Friday came with sunshine which meant we could go out for lunch but no we didn't. We never gave up the idea of pizzas so we called for delivery.Sad that I didn't bring my DG cam. Everyone was happy.
Sat : I found out that N7370 is already out. So I brought Mum & Dad to Mustafa to see the fone. Superrr Cheappp.. They seeling it at S$599. My sister mentioned that at Parkway, they selling the fone for S$689. Compare the difference. Dad also bought
U-Zap from Mustafa which was selling at S$255 compared to outside price of S$268. Mum & I went shopping around the supermarket before we head home.
Once I got home, I quickly changed & left for Shikin's engagement. Met the rest there. Chatted, Laughed before we left since Ian had werked. Rudy's soccer match was cancelled so off we went to catch a movie "
In Her Shoes"
. The show has an amazing storyline although it was super-long, say about 2 1/2 hours. U peepz should watch it. After the show, we went home as the soccer-freak guy wanted to catch the match on Ch23.
Now, I'm going out to go check out the fone. See which shop has the best offer. Lalalalalalalalala
Till then........................