Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Gosh.. I simply can't wait for the weekend. The only weekend that I can actually rest & catch up with my sleep. Been extremely busy with werk these few days that I actually missed class. Can't believe it but I guess..... Well, Rudy was abit pissed about me skipping class. Just glad that he's ok to go attend class alone with his leg slowly recovering. Luckly me as he helps me catch-up with the lesson that I missed. Speaking of which .. here's a pic of him..Now after the accident.. I'm trying to ask him to pass me his pic of his injured face.Once I get it, I shall paste it up. He He.

I attended Gubra's Gala Premiere on Monday. It was a very last minute thingy honestly. I didn't know I had to werk till 6pm that very day. So had to rush my werk, packed my stuffs & left office just within 10mins. Goshh...I never like the idea of rushing thru things. After setting up our banners, we shopped around abit. Then we went back to the reception & met with Yasmin Ahmad herself in person. Yipee. Managed to snap pic with Ida Nerina herself. Sooo gorgeous. Woohoo.

Yesterday morning, on my way to werk pulak got a cake for a colleague & had a mini-dept. celebration for her belated birthday.

Pics can be found on my fotopage yeahh......
Till then..........................


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