Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's Movie tiMe

I know my last entry was bad. Coz I was having my PMS I guess. Wakakakaka. Anyway yeah Rudy & I had a mini-arguement last week. Well what is a relationship without arguement kan? Anyway we made-up by him treating me to movie on Saturday. WoooHoo. The story is like that u see..

We went to see his motorbike after his werk on Saturday before going to Parkway to adjust his specs. Die ni gergasi skit. Specs jarang pakai pun ntah macam maner boley patah. Ish! So while waiting for his specs to be done, we shopped around abit. We passed-by a Giordano sale. Not exactly sale but they were clearing their stocks u see. Imagine the tops are going for $9 and the blouses & shirts are $12. Those linen pants which used to cost over $40 are going for only $15. U must wonder why I use present tense coz the sale is still on till the 19th of March. Aper lagi Rudy & me borong like anyone business. He bought 2 pants for himself & he paid for my 2 pants & a green Minnie mouse tank top.

After we collected his specs, we went to catch Big Momma House 2. Quite funny show. Something entertaining for our very tight schedule these days. We went home after the movie as we already had dinner before the movie. I had to werk the next day. YEAHH. Werk on a Sunday. Crazy but what to do. Werk is werk kan? Was soo tired when I got home on Sunday that I decided to go for a massage. Full body pulak tu. 1 whole hour, from head to toes. Balik jer sampai umah tido.

Yesterday my colleague passed me tixs for preview of Nanny McPhee. So aper lagi skipped class with dearie Rudy to watch the show. Nauti me.The show quite ok lah. It's about a father with 7 kids whose wife has died.More or less u can tell what is gonna happen next. But the setting & cloths the casts wear are all very the acient u know. In any case u wanna catch it, it'll be in cinemas 9 March.

Hmm... Rudy told me that my ex-Manager wants me to werk for him again. But I guess I'm giving it a miss. Or maybe see how lah till end June.

Ok lah peepz, got to go now. Got werk to finish up.
Till then.................


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